Dear Loved Ones,
I have created this blog just for you. Here you will find photos, musings, and relevant updates on my life. I love you all. Thank-you for stopping by. Don't forget to call once in a while.
With love,

Mar 27, 2013


I got this in my email from my mum today and it made me pretty darn excited. I hope you like it to. "Just ignore the one bad word."

Thanks Mama for sending me this today!

Mar 25, 2013

Why I don't shave my armpits

Because I know some of you are wondering, but don't want to ask. And I am wishfully thinking about spring arriving, which means lots of sleeveless shirts for me.

So here it is. I'm gonna be up front and honest about this. Why don't I shave my armpits?

Because I don't want to. 

What a radical idea.

Because I actually like the way a splash of auburn fuzz in my underarms looks. It looks (and feels) better than a patch of itchy, 3-day-old stubble, or red bumps.

Because it's part of my body. It is not gross, dirty, or unsanitary. 

And ultimately, because why not?

As human beings, created by God, in the image of God, we seriously need to stop being afraid of our bodies. We need to stop criticizing them. The One who thought up the galaxies and arranged our solar system and created the vast amounts of creatures that inhabit this planet also created your body. You can't criticize His handiwork just because it doesn't fit into your impossible ideal created by our incredibly false mass-media culture. He created variety and our current culture is working very hard to reduce that variety to a ridiculously small set of ideals that pretty much no one fits into. 

Our bodies have hair, fat, sweat, smells, cellulite, freckles, wrinkles, bony bits, and flabby bits. Get over it.

Mar 24, 2013

Killing Us Softly 4

Jean Kilbourne discusses the image of women and the feminine in the media, specifically advertising, and the damage that is causing in our culture.
Link provided beloooow.
Killing Us Softly 4

Mar 20, 2013

This is why we still need feminism

Due to insufficient dowry this young girl’s husband lacerated her face with a razor blade. (Gwalior - India) - ph. Adrian Fisk

Mar 18, 2013

I need to make this a weekly thing, at least

I realize I haven't posted in a long time (as usual). Spring break is nearly over and I'm torn right in the middle between anxiety over going back to school (1.5 months to complete 2 research papers and somehow figure out what the smeg is going on Comparative Governments? Yikes!) and excitement over seeing Blain tomorrow. Maybe I'll just drive really fast to Omaha and then drive really sloooooow all the way to school after I get him.

All-in-all I'd say my break was splendid. Watched most of Red Dwarf (as you might have noticed), season 7 of Bones, and this:
I really liked it, you should watch it too. In a nut shell, little girl has a cat who spends the days with her and the nights with a thief! Of course, the little girl and the thief meet and he saves her from, you know, stuff. (I don't want to spoil anything). This is why I don't write reviews. Go watch it. It's on Netflix.

I also slept a lot, ate a lot, sewed a lot, and pretended to clean my room a lot (which honestly just consisted of me moving stuff from the floor to the dresser and the stuff in my dresser to the floor). Mum also spent a lot of money on me too, which was awesome. (I use the word "which" a lot. I learned in editing class that "which" is a word one should avoid like the plague . . . which I obviously suck at.)

It's 1 30am and I have to leave at 7am and drive for 3 hours to pick up Blain. I miss him a lot. I can't sleep. Too excited. Which (there it is again) is the whole reason I'm even here, because, honestly, he's the only one who reads these anyways.

Goodnight tiny audience! I hope I don't crash tomorrow!

Mar 1, 2013

Happy Sabbath everyone!

The Vespers came to play at vespers (heh) tonight. I was really taken by them.